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Pumping Mom Academy
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Introduction Video (2:41)
Here are your free printable bonus gifts!
Customizable Pumping Schedule with Output Tracking
Printable Checklist for Packing your work Pump Bag
Printable Packing Checklist for Pumping while Traveling
Printable Cards- Breastmilk Storage Guidelines and Safety Tips
Printable Pumping Affirmation Cards
Lesson 1: The Pump is Not the Enemy: Getting to know (and love!) your Pump
Lesson 1 Notes: Printable/Downloadable document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Lesson 1, Video 1: How to set up your pump for the first time (4:07)
Lesson 1, Video 2: Cool features your pump may have (and why!) (3:35)
Lesson, 1, Video 3: Troubleshooting tips when something's not right with your pump (3:41)
Lesson 1, Video 4: How to set up a pumping station at home for faster, more efficient pumping (5:28)
Lesson 1, Video 5: How to shift your mindset about pumping and learn not to dread pumping sessions (5:41)
Lesson 2: Creating a Pumping Schedule that Works for YOU!
Lesson 2 Notes: Printable/Downloadable document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Printable Breastfeeding Action Plan/Goal Setting Worksheet
Lesson 2, Video 1: Identifying your breastfeeding goals and developing an action plan (6:13)
Lesson 2, Video 2: Sample pumping schedules for exclusively pumping and part-time pumping moms (8:05)
Lesson 2, Video 3: Tips for building a freezer stash for emergencies or returning to work (3:39)
Lesson 2, Video 4: Tips for keeping baby occupied while you pump (10:20)
Lesson 3: Increasing Low Supply
Lesson 3 Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Lesson 3, Video 1: How to know if you truly have low supply (13:23)
Lesson 3, Video 2: Practical things you can do to increase you milk supply (9:30)
Lesson 3, Video 3: How to power pump to boost supply (1:56)
Lesson 4: Efficiently Pumping as Much Milk as Possible
Lesson 4 Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommendations
Lesson 4, Video 1: 10 Strategies for maximizing your output (8:35)
Lesson 4, Video 2, Changing Pump Parts and How often to pump (2:29)
Lesson 4, Video 3, Is it time for a new pump? (2:05)
Lesson 4, Video 4 Breast massage before and during pumping (0:59)
Lesson 5: Pumping at work, on vacation, or out and about
Lesson 5 Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Lesson 5, Video 1: How to stay organized while pumping outside the home (6:17)
Lesson 5, Video 2: How to warm breast milk on the go (2:47)
Lesson 5, Video 3: Tips for pumping in the car (2:53)
Lesson 5, Video 4: How to work with your employer to allow time for pumping (5:03)
Lesson 6: Breast milk storage and handling
Lesson 6 Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Lesson 6, Video 1: How to safely store your milk (5:36)
Lesson 6, Video 2: Safety tips for handling and using milk (3:26)
Lesson 6, Video 3: Tips for freezing, thawing, and using frozen milk (2:22)
Products I use and love
Lesson 6, Video 4: How to bottle feed your breastfed baby (3:19)
Lesson 6, Video 5: Can you re-use a bottle that baby didn't finish? (1:08)
Lesson 7: The ONE thing you should do before you freeze another ounce of breast milk
Lesson 7 Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Lesson 7, Video 1: What is excess lipase? How to test for high lipase in your milk (3:31)
Lesson 7, Video 2: How to scald milk to treat it for excess lipase (4:53)
Bonus Lesson: What to do when you feel like throwing in the towel
Bonus Lesson Notes: Printable/Downloadable Document with Resources and Recommended Reading
Bonus Video 1: What to do when you feel like giving up pumping/breastfeeding (6:05)
Bonus Lesson: Mind-Blowing Facts about Breast Milk
Bonus Lesson Notes: Mind-Blowing Facts about Breast Milk
Bonus Lesson Video 1: What leading medical organizations recommend about breastfeeding (4:58)
Bonus Lesson Video 2: How breast milk differs from formula (13:47)
Bonus Lesson Video 3: Breastfeeding benefits mom, too! (4:23)
Bonus Lesson Video 4: Benefits of breast milk for baby (6:37)
Lesson 6, Video 2: Safety tips for handling and using milk
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